If you’ve hit this page because you’re interested in working with me, I’m super excited for you! It’s a big step towards the health, happiness & lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of and maybe didn’t know was possible. But it is!

When we work together, you will naturally feel excited and inspired to be your Best self!

I specialize in helping busy parents destress + look & feel their BEST with my revolutionary COPE POSITIVE Method so they can enjoy their lives and families to the fullest. And I know with absolute certainty that I can get you results and help you create sustainable habit changes.

How do I know this? Because I’ve witnessed incredible changes in my clients AND because I’ve gone through my own remarkable transformations in my quest for a better life. These kinds of changes make you feel like you’ve got a second shot at life, and people take notice! They’ll wonder what’s up and even tell you that you’re acting like a ‘completely different person.’ It’s AMAZING!

Health Coaching fundamentally changed everything for me. On the outside, I lost the fatigue and heaviness that weighed me down. On the inside, I found lightness and abundance of energy that turned my stress, struggle and sacrifice into peace, resilience and freedom. I fell in love with me and found a way to enjoy every micro-second with my family – which, knowing that my time with them is finite – is all I ever wanted. When I discovered this ‘other’ coaching way to get healthy that was easy and actually worked, I knew I wanted to help others COPE POSITIVE too.

I’ve created MASSIVE and PHENOMENAL success for my Clients in all areas of their lives. The Transformations they experience with me are NOT ‘short-term’ fixes. They are lasting habit changes that become part of who you are and that you’ll carry forward with you for the rest of your life. That’s the impact and power of my Coaching.

NOTE: I don’t just work with anyone or everyone.  I invest a HUGE amount of my time, love and energy into every single Client so I want to make sure we’re a good fit with each other. This is why I offer all potential Clients a Free Coaching Consultation Call – see below for more details. When the fit is right, we see maximum results and MAGIC happens!

ANYONE who works with me can expect the following:

> The Highest Quality of Attention – I will listen intently to every single word you have to say and treat you like the most important person you are. You will be heard like never before.

> Clarity, Faith & Guidance – I work with you to get clear on your health & life goals. This is key because lack of clarity is what actually keeps us stuck in our ‘bad’ habits. I also believe in you like no one’s ever believed in you. I see you as the YOU you want to be; the Future You who’s already achieved their goals. This alone makes it substantially easier for you to follow through on yourself and take the actions you want to take. My coaching bridges the gap between where you are today and where you want to go. I get you to your destination safely and surely.

> Self-Confidence Boost – I draw out the Best in you because I know it’s there. I see your beauty and your brilliance, and it makes you feel amazing & unstoppable! And I help connect you to your Truth so you learn to trust yourself above anyone else, which is what you need to know that you….got…this!!

> Unparalleled Support & Stretch – I am here for YOU and committed to your well-being. I’m your biggest cheerleader + tough love coach. I’ll celebrate your efforts and encourage you when you’re down AND I’ll also call you out, challenge you and lovingly say things to you that others won’t to get you back up. I hold you accountable to you and your word and ‘m not afraid to love you and stretch you into your greatest version of you because that’s the path you’re already on! 

> Fun & Excitement – Life is too short and we take things way to seriously sometimes so injecting this type of positive energy into our sessions helps create powerful results in a pleasurable way – it’s actually the secret to reducing stress and creating lasting habit change. Work Hard, Play Harder!

> A Whole Lotta Lovin’ – During our coaching sessions, I shower you with love, positivity, kindness and compassion that fills you up with intense feel-good vibes, which makes it easier to stay inspired and motivated.

> Results, Results & More Results! – As a Certified Transformational Health & Life Master Coach, I have the tools and talent to help you look, think and feel better than ever! I get you the results you want in a profoundly unique way that makes change feel easy, enjoyable and almost effortless. When we commit to winning and choose to see success, failure is not an option. Trust me, you want me in your corner 😉

I get you EXCITED about Health, INFUSE positivity into your Life and EMPOWER you to apply what you learn. You are more AWESOME than you know!

Here are the different ways to work with me:


If you want want more in life OR you feel stuck in your health, this one Call could change everything for you. You’ll get breakthroughs that unlock tools to see & live your Best Life, and you’ll get clarity & motivation to kickstart your health journey the right way. To sample the magic of my positive coaching, CLICK “LEARN MORE” now.


This is my signature Transformation Program and it’s unlike anything you’ve experienced! I guide you step-by-step through a powerful change journey that transforms your mind, body and soul. You will stress less, lose weight and gain energy, but the best part is that you’ll transform into the person you want to be. CLICK “LEARN MORE” now.


Do you have an event coming up? Helen is known for delivering highly inspiring & motivational messages. She can powerfully engage & connect with your audience and light up the room with excitement and positive energy. If you’re interested in hiring Helen to speak at your next successful event, CLICK “LEARN MORE” now.

COPE POSITIVE is a revolutionary way to do health & happiness. Watch this video below to learn more about my powerful transformational coaching methodology and how it can help you live your BEST life.