Helen is an AMAZING Coach who always spreads such a positive and powerful vibe! She was great in leading me step-by-step through her 90-Day Transformation Program. I was at a plateau when we started, but I quickly saw changes and got real results! I’ve never experienced anything like her coaching before! My clothes fit better, I felt amazing, and I liked who I saw in the mirror! I got my “sexy” back!! Overall, I felt lighter and more energized. I started eating healthier and enjoying food in new ways, and I was happier and more confident than ever! I was like a different person. Even my family and co-workers noticed a big difference! It was a major transformation, and it was so easy and fun getting healthy with Helen!

The changes I experienced affected my whole family and brought us closer together, which was the best result! We cooked and ate our meals together differently, and we communicated more openly and honestly. We were more mindful about making healthier choices which is really important to me, especially when it comes to my kids. My transformation was having a ripple affect! I was sparking change all around me and I loved the positive energy I was putting out and getting back from family, friends, co-workers.  

The techniques I learned in the Program were so simple and effective to implement in all areas of my life (health, family, marriage, career). They helped improve my digestion, reduce belly bloat and increase my energy levels. I didn’t need digestive aids anymore and my sugar cravings &mindset around exercise were completely transformed. 

I also learned to manage stressful situations much more effectively and I didn’t feel stuck or anxious like I used to. I broke through fears and self-doubt and started to trust myself more. I was finally taking control of my health and making me a priority. Helen empowered me to be ME! The Program changed my life, and I am truly grateful to have worked with Helen. I would highly recommend her and her 90-Day Transformation Program!

- Kelly Rodway-Chancay

I loved working with Helen! She is so caring and an incredible Coach! I went through the 90 Day Program during a tough time in my life and Helen’s support and positivity helped me get through it. She brought out my strength and courage, which I needed in order to make decisions and take actions for my family, health and life.

During the Program, I noticed immediate results! I started eating healthier and taking better care of myself. I felt lighter, more relaxed, confident, beautiful and happy. I got my smile & shine back! I learned how to turn negative self-talk into self-love, which was really powerful! I was finally taking control of my life.

I learned tips & techniques that helped improve my digestion, my energy, and stress. They were so simple and actually worked! It was easy and fun to get healthy with Helen, and she was amazing at motivating me, believing in me and inspiring me to be positive and my best!

Helen’s coaching really changed my life. It was about so much more than just food. And best of all, it helped me be a better Mom to my 2 boys, which I’m so thankful for. I would highly recommend Helen, her Coaching and her Transformation Program to anyone who wants to improve their health and life.

- Rabia Nazrani

I was coached by Helen Woo-Duncan. And I must say that this Coach will NOT fail you. Her coaching is second to none! She guided me through a few issues with her effective coaching skills. While at the same time she demonstrated compassion and gave me space to ponder. She helped me break down my issue by asking all the right questions and coming from a place of curiosity, with no judgment. She was TOTALLY on board with guiding me into resolving my issue. Thank you Helen!!!

- Carmen Thomas

Helen is an awesome and inspiring Coach! She is enthusiastic and passionate about her care for others. She guided me to tap into my secret power source to achieve my desired outcome in decluttering my space and mind. She enable me to from healthy habits into behaviours that last! Thank you Helen for enabling me to unlock my personal power to build up myself and my loose boundaries, leading me to higher productivity, and YES, finding my calm in the midst of overwhelm. Helen is great and a passionate person to work with, cheering you on all the way!

- Bunmi Oguntunde

Coach Helen has amazing skills! She has a way of bringing those goals you have rolling around in your mind to the surface and making a place to take action. I WILL accomplish my weight loss and make that hike up to Mount. Cristina Rey! Thank you Helen for listening and helping me to create a plan!

- Gloria Bridges

Majority of the people would say that 2020 was a horrible year, but for me 2020 was one of the best years of my life! I met Helen 7 years ago. She was my uncle’s neighbour who came over to his house for a New Years Party, and we instantly hit it off!

We had such a real positive conversation about life. She gave me a clear sense of her happiness and positivity. Based off that night, I have had so much respect for her. Flash forward to a couple months ago during this unfortunate pandemic, I was encouraged to start Life Coaching with Helen by my family. It was something to try while I was under quarantine. I thought about it and said, “Why not, it not like I’m working or anything.”

I remember going into my first session having low expectations. I wasn’t educated in Life Coaching before, and I didn’t really know much about it. Within the first five minutes, my mindset quickly changed. I felt that Helen opened my mind to where it’s never been before! Having Helen coaching me along the way, I was able to learn so much about myself, discover my true goals, and not let fears, worry and judgement change what I want to do.

Having a strong background in hockey, I was always told to ‘work hard and you’ll go far’. I was never taught to learn how to be happy and stay positive, until now. Helen has changed my life for the better and I am glad that I got the opportunity to work with her. I’ve never been so excited for my future, and I can’t wait to apply all the skills and techniques that Helen taught me to this awesome world!

- Daniel Ebrahim

I have had the good fortune of knowing Helen personally for 36 years and recently as a Health Coach. As long as I have known her, Helen has always looked for the good in people. She is truly a one-of-a-kind human being. She is honest, patient, supportive and compassionate, which makes her an amazing coach. Perhaps most importantly, Helen truly gives me a sense of comfort when I talk to her…and, honestly, even when I just see her. She has an energy that is palpable and a positivity that is contagious.

Simply put, everyone needs someone like Helen. I do, and I am a better person for it. It makes me very happy to know that others can now also share in her gifts.

- Mareesa Mandzak

Helen is the REAL DEAL! She speaks her truth and won’t apologize for it! Her COPE POSITIVE Ultimate Health Transformation Program is a game-changer, and it will transform your life for the better. By making small but meaningful changes, my choices are intentional, my life holds a special purpose and I let love guide me throughout. This has not only benefited me but also the loved ones around me. And it didn’t even feel like hard work, yet I was seeing results immediately! I was more comfortable in my own skin and body, I was happier, more energetic, and I approached everything with more positivity. I LOVED working with Helen and I highly recommend working with her if you’re ready to live it up!

- Suzanne Nahm

Helen’s energy and positive influence can shift the mood of ANY conversion! She is able to guide your focus and clearly help you seek out the root of what is causing your mood and habits due to her natural and high emotional intelligence. And she is amazing at helping you shift your beliefs and habits so you see yourself in a different and much more positive light. She is quick to pick up on people and incredibly mindful of how they feel, and she helps you believe in yourself and feel better about yourself. Helen’s positivity is infectious!

- Alexa Bertucci

I have know Helen now for over 10 years. She is one of the most passionate people I have come across with in my life. She genuinely cares about other people in a way others do not. She has influenced me more than she knows. She touches people in a way that is inspiring. If we all could live our life like Helen does, we would be in a better place.

- Allan Kates


You are an AMAZING Coach and I love your coaching style! You’ve helped me in more ways than you can imagine, and I am forever grateful to you. You transformed my confidence and outlook on life, and I feel healthier and better than ever!

The best part of coaching with Helen was learning how to handle stress and enjoy life. I don’t get stressed out like I used to. And I’m much more capable of keeping things in perspective and handling any situation that comes up. I rise up to challenges now instead of getting stuck because I know how to cope better with stress and manage fears, doubts, worries and overwhelm, thanks to the tools and techniques Helen gave me. This has made a huge & positive impact in ALL areas of my life!

I’ve also learned to reconnect with parts of me and my life that I lost touch with over the years, like paddling. I didn’t realize the negative toll it was taking on me. Helen helped me ‘be me’ and see that I have to make myself and my happiness a priority by doing things that make me feel good and nourish my soul. This is what’s helped me feel more creative, resilient and alive so I can be the man, husband, father and leader I want to be. Coaching changed my life. Any chance to work with Helen is valued immensely!

- Benjamin Duncan