Your Health Journey

OK, so you’ve got a health goal or two or more. Maybe you want to lose weight but can’t shed those annoying pounds. Maybe you want to feel lighter and more toned but that heaviness and belly bloat keep getting in the way. Maybe you want to feel less stressed and more relaxed but can’t manage your worries & anxieties. Maybe you want to quit sugar, caffeine or other ‘bad habits’ but the sweet treats, junk food, coffee and other pick-me-ups keep calling your name. Maybe you just want more energy because you’re exhausted and tired of being tired all the time. Maybe you want to stop feeling frustrated, impatient and out-of-control when you’re around your family and you’re sick of feeling bad and overcome with ‘Mommy or Daddy Guilt’. Or maybe you just want to feel happier and more confident so you can rock this thing called Life. Any of these sound familiar??

How long have you had these goals?

Weeks? Months? Decades???

What have you done to achieve these goals?

How do you treat yourself as you try and strive to become healthier?

Are you forgiving, understanding, compassionate and kind with yourself when you fall off the health wagon and cave in to cravings and old habits? 


Do you come down hard on yourself and beat yourself up with blame, shame and guilt, leaving you feeling crappy and more stressed, anxious, doubtful, hopeless and frustrated?

You've tried a bunch of things and NOTHING's worked to give you what you want? WHY??

It’s NOT because you suck or you’re lazy. It’s NOT because you’re broken or weak. And it’s definitely NOT because you’re doomed and destined to be overweight, alone, tired, stressed, worried, unhappy & miserable for the rest of your life! If you’ve felt any of these things, I understand my friend, because I thought all of these things too at some point when I was desperately trying to change my ways too.


Understanding a bit of science can be useful in creating new habits. Neuroscience has shown that our strongest self-defeating ‘bad’ habits have actually formed neural pathways in our Brain, which means we’re sort of ‘hard-wired’ to keep repeating patterns of behaviours – even the ones we don’t like and try desperately to change but can’t! This happens because the (unconscious) choices we make that support the bad habits are the most familiar, convenient and obvious ones – so we make them AUTOMATICALLY! Furthermore, there’s a VITALLY good reason why we hang onto old habits, which is the limiting belief that they keep us safe in some way. When all of this is going on, it becomes extremely difficult to make any lasting changes, which is why we inevitably backslide or default to our old, annoying ways after we get temporary results in our goals.

But, the AMAZING thing is that, as humans, we can easily re-wire our thought patterns to create new neural pathways that are aligned with and support the healthier, happier life we want. And when this happens, it’s like magic! We almost effortlessly change our habits and become different without having to remember to be different. We start to make healthier choices easily, naturally and automatically, without having to even think about it!

Sounds great, but how do you do that?

Through Health & Life Coaching! A certified and highly skilled Coach can help you successfully create new habits by re-wiring your thought patterns and helping you follow-through on you like never before in a fun & pleasurable way – getting healthy does NOT have to be hard! A Coach masterfully uncovers the underlying reasons that keep your unwanted habits intact & stabilized and they help you let go of them so you can be the person you want to be. Without this piece, it’s almost impossible to make changes stick on your own. – that’s why quick-fix solutions don’t work!

Habit Change is my specialty! Let me coach you so you can FINALLY stop struggling & stressing and FINALLY start living the awesome life you were born to live!  

Sometimes, D.I.Y = W.T.F!

It can feel so defeating and demoralizing when we feel stuck or can’t see the changes we want to see. But, when we feel and see progress, there’s incredible momentum, excitement and confidence that builds up. With me, you will see positive changes immediately that will move you further & faster towards your goals then if you went at it alone. The incredible journey to become a healthier, happier person is NOT meant to be a solo-journey, and a Coach can be an invaluable resource to help you thrive & shine along the way. I’ve found a way to live a healthier, happier life with ABUNDANT ease, energy, freedom, grace, calm, confidence, gratitude, fun, success and aliveness. And I can show you to have it all too!

But first, can you Imagine...

What if you could have ALL this?

What's important about that?

What would it do for you?

A lot of AWESOME things I'm sure!

Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s all very real and possible! If you’ve got the DESIRE + COMMITMENT to change – I mean a real yearning to improve your body, health and life that will have you looking different, feeling different, seeing different, thinking different, and ultimately BEING different AND you’re ready to invest in YOU – then it can be SIMPLE! With the RIGHT support, the RIGHT system and the RIGHT accountability – which is exactly what you get in my 90 Program – you can experience mind-blowing TRANSFORMATIONS and live the EXTRAORDINARY life you deserve. No more dreaming or waiting! You can make this your reality starting today. I know this for a FACT because I did it and you can too!

You can finally:


Now, there is a lot more to read about the Program below BUT if you’ve read enough to know you want to experience these amazing results, then Book a DISCOVERY CALL today. This live Call with me is FREE and full of value to help kickstart your health journey AND it’s a pre-requisite to enroll in my *Exclusive” invitation-only 90-Day “Ultimate Health Transformation” Program.

I've got a simple, unique & extremely powerful process that works!

My COPE POSITIVE Transformational Coaching Method is a unique and revolutionary approach to Health & Wellness based on Self-Discovery, Self-Awareness, Self-Acceptance and Self-Love. The motto or essence of  COPE POSITIVE is “Discover the Power of Your Mind + Find the Beauty in the Grind.” 

My Program is grounded in positivity and the foundational knowledge that stressing less is KEY to optimal health. This is a crucial, overlooked piece to the wellness puzzle because we put ourselves in Stress mode in more ways than we can imagine AND we’re not told or taught that we need to relax or HOW to Relax in order to live our healthiest lives. THIS IS WHY I COACH MY WAY. WE NEED TO KNOW THIS STUFF! It’s a total game-changer.

IF you know how to reduce and/or cope better with Stress, you can work miracles in your wellness and life! You’re able to gain energy and shed weight more easily & naturally – as well as make huge strides in a number of other health issues! When this happens, there’s so much more of you available to be happier and present in the moment with your loved ones to enjoy life fully because you’re NOT stuck or bogged down with anxiety, worry, overwhelm, negativity and plain ol’ misery.

This is radically different than other traditional programs out there because the focus is NOT ‘Eat Less + Exercise More = Healthy’. These alone CANNOT get you real or lasting behavior changes, no matter what “they” say! You need the inner work around coping positively with stress that a Coach can help you with.

I also do HEALTH in a completely different way. Let me explain… HEALTH is not WHAT you do but rather WHO you are, on an identity level, from the inside out. Your behaviours are just the way you embody your identity and what you value. The more you do them (the healthy behaviours and habits), the more you start to believe that that’s WHO you are – a healthier person. And the more this happens, the more you start living into WHO you want to be. Each time this happens, you become more & more confident in looking good, feeling great and living Awesome, and you transform like a caterpillar to a butterfly and become your Best self – who you always were and who you’re dying to become.

Transformation is my objective. It’s about letting things GO (outdated limiting beliefs & behaviors that hold you back) AND letting things IN (new healthier beliefs & habits that move you forward). And I have something that can help you do this in a powerful way!

If we work together, you could start to:​

There is a YOU who eats, moves, thinks and acts HEALTHY. You can FINALLY become the healthier YOU and live the incredible life you've dreamed of starting NOW. So, let's kick life up a few notches, shall we?

The journey might start with a simple desire to gain more energy or lose a few pounds, BUT it can blossom into so much more…

You might discover that you wake up each morning feeling ready, energized and excited to experience the day and all the adventures that lie ahead. You might begin to see that life will always have stress and hard times but they won’t take you down anymore. You might start to face your fears and challenges more easily and with excitement because you are powerful capable, resilient & resourceful. You might naturally attract and radiate light, love and joy as you shed & repel negativity. And you might gain massive confidence in strutting your stuff and walking this world with your head held high as your BEST kick-ass self!

If what I’m saying here is resonating with you and you want to experience what I’m talking about, then what I have to offer could be an EXTREMELY valuable to you – the thing you’ve been missing, the thing you’ve been waiting for, the key that can unlock greater happiness and change EVERYTHING for you!

If you want life to be DIFFERENT and you don't want to keep going down the same dark rabbit holes, you gotta try something DIFFERENT.

One day it may be TOO LATE to change your habits and reverse what could have been an easily PREVENTABLE lifestyle challenge or disease, which is what unmanaged Stress can cause. And we can’t turn time back!

Every thought & action you take today is planting a seed for the QUALITY OF LIFE you experience in your future. CHOOSE now how you want the rest of your days to play out, and take ACTION your life the BEST that it can be!

You've stayed with me up to now, so Thank You! And Congratulations for reading this and investing the time to feed your mind with fresh new possibilities! NOW, let's dive into the good stuff & the finer details.

I’m about to share the exact same steps I followed to create MASSIVE success & happiness in my body, marriage, family, health, career and life. And I’m certain I can move you towards your goals A LOT FASTER, so you can enjoy MORE of your life & time with your loved ones while you can.

I’m super duper excited to introduce my signature and exclusive 90-Day Coaching Program, “The Ultimate Health Transformation”.

This Program is unlike anything out there because:​

In this 90 Day (12 week) Program, you receive 12 private weekly one-on-one coaching session calls with me. Each session is strategically designed to create & inspire transformational mindset & behavior changes to help you get results you want.

You will have your own dedicated, personal Health Coach supporting you and rooting for your success every step of the way. Someone who’s committed to YOU and your well-being for a continuous 90 day period. Imagine how incredible it would be to have someone there for you in this ongoing way? To guide you, motivate you, cheer you on and listen to you with NO JUDGMENT. In every session, you’re free and encouraged to be your awesome YOU and express what wants to be seen & heard. And you’ll receive nothing but love and the most positive & powerful intentions from me for your health & happiness! Your wellness is my priority.


Now, there is more to read about the Program BUT if you already know you’re interested in it, then Book a DISCOVERY CALL with me by Clicking on the button below. Can’t wait to talk to you!

Throughout the Program...

You will learn the power of your mind and positivity to help you cope more effectively with life and its stresses. This is an ESSENTIAL step in achieving results because it’s scientifically impossible to heal or shed weight when you are in a negative and constant state of stress!

You will also unlock health promoting beliefs that will allow you to feel more confidence, joy and aliveness. And you will develop new skills, techniques & habits to elevate your life. You will also learn how to get more in tune with your thoughts, feelings, body and emotions that guide your everyday choices so you can automatically & instinctively make healthier decisions that align with your BEST self. The Program will empower YOU to trust yourself to become the leading authority on your health, body and life. You will naturally start to say and do what feels right for YOU so you’re not holding back or silencing your truth anymore! And you will feel stronger and increasingly confident that you know best what you need and how to take care of you. NO ONE knows you better than YOU and it’s time to claim back your life! That’s the only way to powerfully create the success, love and happiness you want!


This is a 90 Day (3 month, 12 week) Transformational Health Coaching Program, with 12 weekly private 1:1 Coaching Session calls. Each Session is 90 minutes and grouped into 4 Modules as described below.

Build Intuition + Body & Mind Awareness

SESSIONS #1 – 4: These are the foundation sessions where we design and set your health goals for the next 90 days of the Program. A clear vision is crucial to paving the way for success in achieving your desired outcomes. Learn to build intuition and start to recognize your body’s signals. This is where we discover how powerful your conscious awareness is and how to unlock the power of your mind to start seeing more beauty in the grind!

Creating Healthier Habits

SESSIONS #5 – 6: In these sessions, we focus on your unique behaviour patterns to understand the underlying reasons for staying stuck and uncover the hidden opportunities for positive change. We zoom in on health-defeating and health-promoting habits, and you learn to recognize self-sabotage so you can replace destructive habits with healthier, nourishing ones that support your goals.

De-Stress & Boost Your Personal Power

SESSIONS #7 – 10: These are KEY sessions that really focus on how to use the power of your mind to find the optimal state for digestion and assimilation. Learn easy and useful techniques that you can implement immediately to relax, manage Stress, optimize health and step into your personal power, where you can maximize healing and continue making strides in weight loss, energy gain and positive thinking.

Expand Possibilities + Establish Your New Baseline

SESSIONS #11 – 12: In these final sessions, you are implementing all the tools you’ve learned and you’re fully stepping into the MAGNIFICENT version of YOU! You have a new baseline for your health and a new way of being moving forward. We seal in your new habits and continue to expand possibilities. And we build momentum by exploring new goals & dreams that fuel your motivation to continue living your best life everyday! 

You Will ALSO Get...

I've created MASSIVE SUCCESS for my Clients...

My Clients have seen significant, noticeable, epic and ongoing improvements in their health, careers, marriages, relationships, finances and lives. 

SSSHHH SECRET…. There’s a beautiful spill-over and ripple effect that happens with my coaching. As we work to transform one area of your life, you will start to see gains and improvements in other areas of your life as well. It’s like a natural domino effect of positive coaching change.

“Helen is the REAL DEAL."

She's authentic and does what she says. I never thought a health program could be like this! It was an eye-opener and life-changing experience. It didn't even feel like I was trying hard at all but I was seeing results everywhere in my life...fast! Helen brought out the best in me. Other people started noticing I was different too. I was happier, lighter, more energized, and never felt better in my own skin and body! I LOVED my sessions and highly recommend working with Helen if you're ready to live it up and feel amazing about yourself!

What I Am

Someone who is Real, and going through Life just like you. Someone who LOVES her family more than anything in the universe. Someone who cares about your wellness, and believes in your Brilliance. Someone who’s worked her butt off getting certified as an expert mastery-level Health & Life Coach (so you don’t have to do the heavy lifting). And someone who knows how to help you get healthier & happier in a simple, powerful & totally doable COPE POSITIVE Way.

What I Am NOT

I am NOT about false promises or quick-fix, short-term, band-aid solutions. I don’t have a magic wand, magic pills or all the answers in the world. And I don’t “fix” you because you’re not broken! I come to you with an open heart, insane positivity and a revolutionary coaching methodology proven to work. I’ve gone through my own painful & triumphant journey and experienced the ‘other side’. I make you feel AMAZING & UNSTOPPABLE and I facilitate real, deep & lasting behavior changes that let be your awesome YOU! 

The TRANSFORMATIONS you experience in my Program is like mixing Coffee & Cream - once it's stirred together, IT CAN'T BE UNDONE. It's powerful, magical and miraculous!

What would it be worth to you if...

You could walk away with ALL of this if you want by saying YES to yourself and committing to your health & happiness in a way you never did before.

This is the AMAZING opportunity I’m putting in front of you today; to become the BEST you and live your most awesome life starting today, for the rest of your life.  


The time we have here on this planet with our families is Finite. That is a truth. BUT, if we  learn how to COPE POSITIVE and live to enjoy every micro-second of Life, then we can transform the experience of Life and Time. We can slow things down by creating presence and choosing for life to feel less chaotic AND infinitely better!

When it comes to the IMPACT this could have on your Life, the VALUE of my "Ultimate Health Transformation Program" is PRICELESS!

Program enrollment details, including investment & payment plans are discussed only with selected participants during the Discovery Call.

This is an *EXCLUSIVE* Program by invitation only. Apply to see if you qualify by booking your FREE Discovery Call today.

If you’re interested in participating in my “Ultimate Health Transformation” Program, CLICK “BOOK YOUR DISCOVERY CALL” below. This amazing Call is Free and it will absolutely provide you with clarity and breakthroughs to help you move towards your health goals. It is a prerequisite to enroll in my Program. Don’t delay. CLICK to book today – it won’t be Free forever.

This Call is the first step for us to connect and determine if we’re a good fit to work together in my Program. It’s also a fantastic way for you to experience the magic of my Coaching and step into your BEST Life!


This Call could be the one conversation that changes EVERYTHING for you!
It could be the shining moment in your life that your Future, Best, Awesome Self will look back on and thank you for. So, say YES to YOU!
Rise up, book the Call and take that courageous step forward for YOU. I’ll be right on the other side to help you land gently & safely!