
There are many different types of people in our lives but there are two in particular that I want to focus on that have a huge impact on the level of success you will achieve; that’s people who Support you and people who Stretch you.

In general terms, people who Support you love you and well, support you. People who Stretch you, on the other hand, may love you as well, but they play a different role; they challenge you and push you to be more and better.

When I was getting certified to become a Health, Life & Habit Change Coach, I learned something from the Health Coach Institute that transformed me and completely changed how I related to others and myself. Something that allowed me to see and believe in limitless possibilities for myself. And something that helped me become the braver, kinder, healthier, happier, more authentic version of myself that I didn’t think I could be – at least not in this lifetime.

The thing I learned was this… “Having too many people in your life who Support you can be dangerous to your future, AND you’re almost 100% guaranteed to NOT achieve your goals if you have too many of this group of people in your life”.

HUH? What? Really? Why?

Because…while we ABSOLUTELY need people who Support us in our lives; to encourage us and validate us, they almost love us a little TOO much – to the point that they don’t really want us to change, or even believe we can, in some cases. And that’s how they can be dangerous. I know this still might sound crazy, but stick with me…

Friends, family and even co-workers who support you are all great, but ask yourself, “Do the people I surround myself with make me want to be more intelligent, more honest or more courageous? Do they make me want to have more creativity or get more engaged in conversations? Do they challenge me to bring my best A-game, be more prepared and excited, more alert and more focused when I’m around them? Do they inspire me to dream and speak freely from an open heart and mind? Do the people around me see a bigger, better vision for me than I can see for myself? And do they believe I can have it? Do they??

The people you surround yourself with are the people that shape you and your future. They will directly impact the level of success you will achieve and the level of happiness you will have in your life.

Having a blend of the right Stretchers and Supporters will elevate you to your Greatness AND do wonders for your health and quality of life!

Hope this is making more sense….

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel stuck, OR you’re not making any progress or gaining traction in life? Have you looked up and noticed that you’re in the same place (or rut) as you were in last year, or two years ago? If life feels like the ‘same old blah daily grind’, and you’re not feeling exhilarated by the highs or the burn from the lows (that fuel you to get back up and try again to create higher highs), it could be that you have enough Support in your life, but not enough Stretch!

Here’s how to distinguish the people who Support you vs Stretch you:

▶️ People who support you don’t want you to get hurt, but people who stretch you don’t want you to waste your potential.

▶️ People who support you want you to feel loved, but people who stretch you want you to feel challenged.

▶️ People who support you tell you, “It’s okay, or you did fine.” And people who stretch you ask you, “How are you going to do it better next time?”

▶️ People who support you want you to feel safe, and people who stretch you love you too much to let you stay where you are ❤️.

When you’re around people who Stretch you more than Support you, it’s an unmistakable and remarkable feeling, and it can be totally transformational!

You’ll know you’re in their presence because you feel good about who you are, better about who can be and in love with who you’re becoming (with help from their stretch). You start relating to them, to others, to yourself and the world as the better, awesome version of YOU, because they powerfully hold this vision for you as truth, and they draw you forward into this version of yourself like a ‘love vacuum’. And they keep pushing you to evolve into the Best version of YOU, which is a constant journey not a destination.

This pretty much describes me and what I’m about as a Health Coach. Stretch is my primary function and I aspire to give every Client an amazing life-changing experience when we work together. Coaching is a unique skill and craft that I get to hone every day by living life to the fullest and striving to be my Best self. I’ve got to do this so that I can inspire my Clients to dream and take actions to make them come true.

Now, to be clear, the Stretch has to be right, meaning it should move you in the direction YOU want to go. And when you find the right fit and partner, life starts to get really exciting!

One of my favorite Christmas gifts this year was a gift to myself; a Business Coach 😊. My Coach has not only stretched me to become a stronger and more confident Health Coach & Biz Entrepreneur, she’s helped me grow into someone with massively more purpose and appreciation for who I am and what I have to offer the world. 

She, and all the other Coaches I’ve worked with, have made me a better human being, wife and mom, and the value of that is priceless, and worth more than any dollar $ amount.

So, look around you and notice who’s in your life and how they impact you. Because the point is this – we need a blend of Supporters and Stretchers. And, if you don’t have enough people who Stretch you, then go out and find them, invest in them and get them into your circle somehow. They will be the ones to help raise you up to explore what’s possible AND challenge you out of your comfort zone. That’s the only way you’re going to see and experience all that you were made to be in this lifetime ❤️.

There’s a place for you at the Top of the World, my friend. Surround yourself with people who believed in you so much, they saved you a seat up there 😉.

If you want more Stretch in your life, CLICK HERE to schedule a Discovery Session Call with me. I can help you achieve goals you never dreamed were possible!

Cheers to you reaching new heights in your health & happiness,

XO ❤️ Helen 

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